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Lovebird Parrot

How to Train a Lovebird Parrot | 4 Easy and Simple Way

Lovebirds are popular pets, and many people love to adopt lovebirds, because of their cuteness, vivid colors, and cheerful, loving and social personalities. 

Training your lovebirds can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your birds. By training them, you can create a deeper bond with them and help them to become more comfortable with interacting with you and their environment. In this article we are going to teach you, How to train a Lovebird Parrot? Here are some tips to get you started:


Be patient

Patience should be your number one priority while training your lovebirds. Birds are known to be more complicated and sensitive than dogs and cats, so you need to be extra calm and patient while training them.

If you have little birds, training them will be a lot easier than a grown bird. Little lovebirds will easily get attached to you and will not face any trouble while interacting with you.

Compared to dogs and cats, birds take time to trust. Let them take their time to get comfortable with you and to completely trust you. 


Reward Them For Their Good Behavior

Give them treats like sunflower seeds and corn when they do something good or behave well. These little treats will encourage them to do better in the future.


Be gentle

If your parrots feel scared of you or are not comfortable, then you will not get any results. Talk to them like you are talking with kids very softly and with love.

Birds are very delicate and sensitive, so don’t shout at them or near them, or it’s going to take a lot of time to train them. Always praise your lovebirds when they behave well, and avoid punishing them for bad behavior. Negative reinforcement can cause birds to become fearful or aggressive.


Play with them

Birds love when their owner runs their fingers over their lower chest and above their legs. Remember that birds are very delicate, so don’t put too much pressure on them. You can also place your other hand on their back to give support to their body. If you notice your lovebirds getting comfortable with your touch, then your training is going well, or if they do not like you touching them or are biting you, then you need to continue to train them until you feel that they are enjoying playing with you


Call them by their name

Like all other pets, birds also like it when someone calls them by their names. It also encourages them to listen to you. You can make them feel special by calling them by their names.


Teach them tricks

Lovebirds are intelligent birds and can learn simple tricks like waving, turning around, or fetching small items. Use positive reinforcement and offer treats when they perform the trick.


Teach them to speak

Lovebirds are natural mimics and can learn to say words or phrases. Start by repeating a word or phrase over and over, and reward your lovebirds when they mimic you.


Train them outside

If you think your lovebirds are attached to you enough to let them out of their cage, then you can continue to train them in a fresh atmosphere. Expose your lovebirds to different people and environments to help them become more comfortable with new experiences.

For safety measures, at first, let them out in a room and close all the windows of the room, and when you trust them enough, you can take them to other parts of the house.


Keep them safe

If you have other pets like dogs or cats, keep an eye on them if they are near your parrots as they can hurt your lovebirds. If you feel that your lovebirds are scared of them or they feel uncomfortable when they are near, then keep them separate until they get used to each other.

Your birds can take a long time to train if they constantly feel scared of your other pet.


Keep them close

Keep their cage at a place where you spend most of your time so they get used to you. Talk to them whenever you walk past their cage, call them by their names, and give them treats.


Create a safe environment

Focus on giving them a safe and comfortable environment so they can fully focus on the training.

Birds are sensitive to loud noises and lights, so keep the lights and fans slow and other electronic items off when they are near or while training them. With time, your lovebirds will get used to the noises.


Choose the right age for training

The right age to start training your lovebirds is when they are around 4 months to 6 months old.

If you start training younger lovebirds, they will not understand anything or take a long time to understand or respond.


How to Train a Lovebird Parrot to sit on your fingers

Training lovebirds to sit on your fingers can be fun for both you and your lovebirds. 

Give them treats often. Once your lovebirds are comfortable taking treats from your hand, you can start to train them to step onto your fingers. Hold your hand near their cage with your fingers extended and offer them their favourite treat. The birds will eventually hop onto your fingers to get the treat. If they don’t, try moving your hand closer to them.

Blue Lovebird parrot
How to train a Lovebird Parrot?

If they are still not sitting on your finger then repeat the above process, until the birds are comfortable stepping onto your fingers outside of their cage.


Once your lovebirds are comfortable stepping onto your fingers, you can start to train them to stay there. Gradually increase the amount of time they spend on your fingers, offering treats and praise as they do.


How to train your lovebirds not to bite?

Training lovebirds not to bite can be a challenging yet a very important task for your safety. It is in the nature of love to protect themselves if they sense danger and of course these little birds protect themselves by biting the potential danger.

Here are some tips that can help you to train your lovebirds not to bite and be gentle.


  • Lovebirds have a calming nature; there must be something wrong with them if they are trying to bite you. Observe if they are feeling scared, threatened or anything bother them.
  • Expose them to new people, environments, and experiences. This will help them become more comfortable around people and reduce their fear and aggression.
  • Don’t yell at them and punish them. The negotiation reinforcement can trigger anger and aggression in them which will worsen the biting habit.


Remember, training your lovebirds will take your time,  patience, and consistent effort. They will get used to you or new people with time but if your lovebird is still biting you after all the training and you are having difficulty training them, you can also take help from a professional bird trainer.


How to train your lovebirds not to fly?

If you don’t want your love birds to fly and you want to keep your lovebirds safe inside your home then you can use a few tips that can help you to train them easily.

  • Create a safe cage for them so they can feel secure inside it.
  • Provide them fresh food and water.
  • Keep their cage clean.
  • Provide them plenty of mental and physical stimulation including that encourage natural behaviors such as climbing, foraging, and preening.
  • Spend time with them.

All these tips will not only help you to train them not to fly but will also help you to build a strong bond with your lovebirds.


How to tame a baby lovebird?

Taming a baby lovebird requires patience and consistency. You should give some time to the baby lovebirds to get used to you. 

During these days you should: 

  • Spend quality time with them.
  • Play with them.
  • Don’t shout at them.
  • Talk gently with them.
  • Offer them treats.

With time your baby lovebirds will start to trust you and obey you.


So, if you are thinking about bringing love birds home, these few tips that can help you to train them and make your lovebirds an ideal pet.

We hope that this article will be helpful to train your lovebirds. Remember to be patient and consistent with your training. Lovebirds can take time to learn new behaviors, but with patience and persistence, you can create a strong bond with your birds and enjoy their company for years to come.


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