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lovebirds male and female difference

How to Identify Lovebirds Male and Female Difference: A Comprehensive Guide

As a pet lover, understanding the Lovebirds Male and Female Difference is crucial. In this post, we’ll share the easiest methods to identify the gender of lovebirds, ensuring you can take the best care of your feathered friends. we are sharing some interesting methods that, how you can identify the male and female African lovebird parrot.

Working Methods to Identify Lovebird Gender

1. DNA Testing

Blood Test/DNA Test: DNA bird sexing is the most reliable method to determine if a lovebird parrot is male or female. This test involves analyzing a DNA sample, usually taken from a bloodstain or a feather.

  • Pros: Highly accurate.
  • Cons: Requires a sample submission to a laboratory and may incur costs.

2. Pelvic Bone Examination

Only experienced bird owners should attempt this method as it can harm the bird if not done correctly. You can examine your lovebird parrot for male female differences only If you are an experienced bird owner to hold it in your hand.

However, if you are inexperienced with this method, it can harm your bird and if not done properly, it can even die. Therefore, we cannot recommend this method to have sex with your beloved birds.


  • How to Perform:
    • What you have to do is just hold your parrot in one hand like the head between the index and middle finger and the back side of the parrot on your hand. Now check the pelvic bones by touching the parrot with your finger and feel how much closer or wider these bones are. Also feel how sharp or soften the edges of these bones are
    • Indicators: Closer and sharper bones indicate a male; wider and softer bones indicate a female.
    • Remember one mistake usually people repeat, do not test your parrot’s pelvic bones if it is not adult and not ready for breeding. Most of the time male parrots pelvic bones look wider and soften because your parrot is younger.
  • Warning: Do not attempt this on young birds as their bones are not fully developed.

3. Physical Signs

Physical differences can provide hints but are less reliable:

  • Size: Males are often slightly larger.
  • Eye Rings: Some species have differences in eye ring size.
  • Head and Beak Size: Variations may be present but are subtle.

4. Behavior During Nest Building

In this method we examine the activities of the lovebird parrots. Usually parrots start building their nest when they are ready to breed. They start collecting straw from different places and put them in their box in a special shape to build a nest. This is a symbol that your bird is ready for breeding. One male and one female lovebird parrot use this box for breeding.

Observe your lovebirds when they are nesting:

  • Activity: Females typically start building nests using straw and other materials.
  • Posture: Females often sit with wings open and tail up, signaling readiness for breeding.

5. Pair Bonding Behavior

When you have so many lovebird parrots like 10 to 15 or 20 or maybe any figure and you want to make pairs of them but you don’t know how to identify the male female difference then a very unique and easy method we are going to share with you.

Let suppose you have 20 parrot and you don’t know lovebird male female difference but you want to make their pairs, put all the parrots in a big cage and hang around 10 to 12 breeding boxes in that cage. Put the big roll of straw in the cage so each pair collects and builds their nest in their selected box. After a few days like 3 to 4 days all the straw will  vanish from the cage and each male female parrot makes parrots itself. 

After building nesting, parrots usually stay in the box for the maximum time, now cover the hole of the box and hang it in a different cage and do this with all boxes that have pairs inside.



Identifying the gender of lovebirds can be challenging but using a combination of these methods can help. Always prioritize the health and safety of your birds during any examination. If in doubt, consult with a veterinarian or an avian specialist.

Call to Action: If you found this guide helpful, share it with other bird enthusiasts and check out our other articles on lovebird care!

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